She sat sipping tea, smiling at her guest,

  • She sat sipping tea, smiling at her guest, knowing full well that the man sitting across from her was a serial killer.
  • The guest had thought she would be his fifth victem as he added a sugar cube to his Earl Grey. "Crystal ginger scone?" She offered as she proceed to enact her plan of revenge.
  • "& now for entertainment!" She upscaled her plot "I present.. Snoop Dogg!"As the sound of scratched records rose, The Guest reeled in agony.Having been reared on Tchaikovsky & Bach
  • The majority of guests recoiled in horror to the loud beat of the music, also she could see from the corner of her eye an older woman dancing her way towards her. "Oh lord, no."
  • "Boomshakkalakka" said the old woman's hips. "Boomshakka boomshakka boomshakkalakka". She realized she'd been staring. "Uh, I think I need some air" she said, pushing through
  • a heavy set of crimson curtains, and stepping out into a darkened back alley. The hooded figure sighed heavily. Things just weren't the same. Back in ye olden days,
  • Raising his middle finger high in the sky the words they're no more cartoons like there were in the 1980's
  • appeared projected onto the smog clouds over Metropolis. Most of the citizens below were too busy to notice. Only Henny Penny saw the words, but alas, could not read them.
  • The marathon was scheduled and citizens were ordered to wear masks. The Metropolis authorities were planning to declare an emergency but at the last minute were forced to
  • declare an inconvenience. The three kittens had lost their mittens and the Master of Arms would not allow them to continue in the ceremony without their mittens. The pokey little


  1. LordVacuity Nov 17 2017 @ 23:02

    forgot to notice that that had been the last fold. He claimed Simon never said to notice that. He is right, Simon never did say that.

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