When you get shot, you don't immediately

  • When you get shot, you don't immediately think that she won't love you because your joints won't work the same anymore. That comes to you later, when it's quiet during recovery.
  • And then the nurse comes in, carrying a letter, its contents confirming those very thoughts. You try to flail your arms & legs in frustration, forgetting that you no longer can.
  • In frustration, you let off a violently noxious cloud of gas. The nurse looks at you, appalled. "Can you please not do that?" As if being completely paralyzed wasn't bad enough.
  • You continued to lay on the hospital bed, apparently paralyzed, glaring at the nurse. "Can you please not be such a bitch all the time ktnxbai." God, you were so annoyed rn. Who di
  • es and leaves you with a colossal medical mess to handle for yourself? Of course, it wasn't her fault... She didn't know what what would happen to you. You watch the nurse as she
  • dresses the bleeding wounds in your leg. If only things could have been different. At that moment the nurse is gone and a mysterious figure appears by your bedside...
  • Was it the angel of death? Alas, no, it was just the damn candy striper arriving to brush your teeth and rid you of your fetid breath. You writhed against your restraints and tri
  • ped the alarm somehow. Immediately, red flashing lights were joined by an inhuman howling as thousands of inmates thrashed and gnashed in response. The freezing water raining down
  • upon the now freezing inmates only added to the din of suffering surrounding the prison. Some of them began acting out in bizarre ways. One inmate decided to do everything ala moi.
  • Then another, and several more, and to my astonishment we nearly frozen prisoners were all engaged in some kind of internal line dance. Then Mme Lagarde's choppers came to free us.


  1. PurpleProf Jul 12 2019 @ 22:24

    PTSD :(

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