ركض اللص ما بين الأزقّة

  • ركض اللص ما بين الأزقّة و الطرقات، هارباً من الشرطي الذي لم يكف عن مطاردته منذ خمسة دقائق. حمل اللص مسدّسه في حزامه و كيس النقود على جانبه الآخر. في نهاية الطريق، وجد اللص نفسه مقا
  • محاصر من الشرطه في نهاية الطريق فأخذوه الى مركز الشرطه وتم التحقيق معه الى الاسباب التي دعوته على السرقه، فأجاب السارق انا محتاج ومسكين ليس لدي مايكفي قوت يومي لي ولابنائي فاضططرت
  • الى السرقة ولكن في الحقيقة انا لا افعلها في الدائم
  • "May you find family that you don't know yet, cool water, and shelter from the heat that tests you." I just shrugged at him and said, "Yeah, you also with all that." I slapped him
  • and he remained impassive. I slapped him again and he did not seem riled. The third time he blocked my arm. "What do you want me to do, sparky pickles? Crush your hand?" I left in
  • shame, depressed by my inability to rile the man up. As I made my way down the concrete sidewalk, another plan occurred to me. I grabbed the nearest flowerpot and sprinted back to
  • clobber him over the head. All that managed to do was break the pot. That man was so bone headed I don't think a nuke could effect him. Still though I was determined. I would
  • shoot him with a pistol until he cried.
  • "Stop shooting me with that pistol," he cried, "it's really beginning to irritate me!" By this time he was pock-marked by bullets, but kept right on griping. So I decided to jump
  • on my broomstick and take to the sky. "Sheesh!" I mumbled, flying past the moon. "Why do we have to go through this every damn Halloween?" and waved gaily from above.


  1. PurpleProf Oct 26 2018 @ 22:36

    Too lazy to translate first three folds...

  2. BlastedHeath Oct 28 2018 @ 15:51

    Kind of Jean-Valjean-y in the beginning.

  3. SlimWhitman Oct 30 2018 @ 05:27

    Dr. Ahmad: The thief ran between alleys and roads, fleeing the policeman who had not stopped chasing him for five minutes. The thief carried his pistol in his belt and the cash bag on his other side. At the end of the road, the thief found himself resisted. aishamalm: He was besieged by the police at the end of the road. They took him to the police station and interrogated him as to the reasons for his stealing. The thief replied, "I needed to and I had a knife. I do not have sufficient strength for the days and for my children. KhadijaAli: Regarding the thievery, I in fact do not do it perpetually

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