Maybe it didn't matter. That's what she'd

  • Maybe it didn't matter. That's what she'd told herself a hundred times. All is fair in love and war, right? Imogene shouldn't have put all her hopes on Paul's wanting her to join h
  • is global rebellion, not while Terrence still held a torch for her. Imogene was delighted when Paul received the letter with a wax seal: "Mandibles at Dawn on the Pauper's Field."
  • Mandibles was the name of Paul's cat. What Imogene meant was something trippy. Paul wrote a response to Imogene's letter on the back of a giant
  • Starbucks cup. Paul wrote around 1000 words on the cup, the barrister was shocked to see what he was doing and thought he was crazy. But no one writes letters better than Paul.
  • His pen trailed all across the paper like cup leaving the strong sharpie smell linger in the air and mix with the scent of coffee beans and middle aged buisiness men
  • The room bursts open as a lady in 1 1/2 inch heels walks in carrying a bag. She settles down and looked at him.
  • He was sitting there, barbecue sauce on his titties. She couldn’t help but fall in love
  • with the same delicious barbecue that had enthralled this messy man. "Let's go get more of that grub," she suggested, with a wink. "I'm with you, sister!" he said. And so the two
  • Continued to feast on Patrick, who was watching from Hell, completely unsurprised. He rather expected they were angels, sent to rub his nose in it, or perhaps this was a hell-dream
  • in which these fallen angels were only creatures that had questioned their purpose or their indoctrination by Elohim. They had made them for a purpose. To goad me to mock them.


  1. LordVacuity Nov 09 2019 @ 19:18

    Four years and a standard human pregnancy.

  2. BlastedHeath Nov 10 2019 @ 13:51

    Thank goodness for standard ones, because that other recent one was kind of freaky.

  3. BlastedHeath Nov 10 2019 @ 14:12

    I love that there are some great folds by new players in the middle of this. I hope they continue, here or wherever. Please enjoy writing. Oishii desu ka?

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