Henry usually found TaeBo a bit beneath him.

  • Henry usually found TaeBo a bit beneath him. After all, he had served in the Navy Seals, enduring what he imagined to be much worse than anything Tanya the TaeBo instructor might
  • lunge or twist his way. She was a master of musical gym combat. He was the master of merciless killing. His Taebo instructor would be disappointed in Henry's Navy Seal flashback
  • because the acid flashbacks caused him to be extremely wacky. In the middle of mortal combat he'd get paranoid and think the fight was all some guerilla theater set-up. That's how
  • Awwwwhhh the aliens are attacking! I don't know what to do! Help me!
  • Run! Hurry!
  • The Buffalo was coming after me when I was carrying eggs for my mother. I was wearing a red rain jacket and the of course bulls go after the color red.
  • but then the buffalo turned and charged into another direction. "of course!", i thought. "buffalos arent bulls! Not to mention, bulls charge at the motion of the cape, not red!"
  • Teddy Roosevelt appeared out of nowhere and shot very bison in the herd. That's how the town of Snow, NY ended up with three feet of buffalo on the ground in one day. And
  • it was glorious! The citizens cheered and started to dance and sing and prounce around like deers, rejoicing, celebrating its death, for it meant that now they would be able to
  • enjoy Cowboy TV!


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