Kaleidoscopic Sniveling Donkey woke up in

  • Kaleidoscopic Sniveling Donkey woke up in the sweat lodge with a couple of hangovers and the Sun knocking on his clenched eyes. He sent the lightnings from his anguish to fry them.
  • Despite the vastness of his anguish that still wasn't enough lightnings for them to even notice. Still, if in his mind that is what he needed to believe, we could play it that way.
  • His mind wasn't very well organized, and I spent far much time tripping over stray memories that were lying around.
  • This memory, for instance, that has gotten stuck to my shoe was one of him at a beach in Michigan eating foil wrapped corn on the cob because he didn't know the foil came off. Mass
  • calculations were his first language so his parents had started him early on the foil hats. Now, he thought, he was ready to step out from beneath the tin hats and put on his big
  • boy pants. His calculations about whether or not he was truly potty trained failed him, so he decided to line his pants with Reynolds Wrap so all his clean-ups were a snap.
  • But when he ran outside to play all the conspiracy theory kids all pointed at him and laughed. You are the dumbest kid ever! The foil goes on your head not your butt! No, you
  • Are not the genius you think you are. You went on the tellie and showed off your blueprint for the mattress the mattress to jolt you awake.
  • You were on one of those 14-minute infomercials, explaining how your mattress's taped-on electrodes deliver just the right amount of juice to get your important day started.
  • When the cyborgs marched in and said they had orders for your execution. Glad to finally be freed from recording hideous infomercials, you held their hands and danced your way out


  1. Shabadu666 Jul 21 2019 @ 00:40

    Just before I checked this story I had Added onto another story. The line I entered basically had this in mind before it went astray after two words. Cool.

  2. LordVacuity Jul 21 2019 @ 00:48

    I thought it was cool you said cool. So I commented the same on another comment. You see the correlations, don't you?

  3. pinky Jul 22 2019 @ 17:19

    My correlations are becoming crenelated; corrugated. All the pinched parts rising and falling delicately are turning up the heat, causing my ears to bloom pink. Cool! (Another great story story everyone! Keep up the excellent folds.)

  4. LordVacuity Jul 22 2019 @ 21:16

    We have to; otherwise they will fall. Gravity is always sticking its nose into everything.

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