
  • ghghhg
  • was how I had always tuned my guitar. I didn't understand why the crowd was leaving in such a huff. And then the mixing guy had the nerve to mute my guitar and my mic! I stood
  • buck naked on stage facing an empty auditorium, after the costume crew stripped me of my duds. That's how the cleaning lady found me. "Senor, me sign up to clean junk, not see it!"
  • “My junk is pristine, you blind old bat!” In my indignation, I whirled around, wishing that there were witnesses in the audience to marvel at all of my naked glory. The cleaning
  • “My junk is pristine, you blind old bat!” In my indignation, I whirled around, were witnesses in the audience to marvel at all of my naked glory.
  • “My junk is pristine, you blind old bat!” In my indignation, I whirled around, but no witnesses were there in the audience to marvel at all of my naked glory.
  • Now, this blind old bat had a remarkable resemblance to my old aunt Sarifina.
  • He was as wrinkled as she used to be
  • because they both lived in the Southwest and worked in the sun.
  • This meant their skin was leathery and sexy. It also resulted in skin cancer, which they promptly treated and it was no big deal. I just thought I'd mention that for some reason.


  1. Kitchenboy Mar 28 2023 @ 00:48

    Dunno what happened, guess the filing stuttered while I was editing all of the naked glory

  2. CubicInfinity May 01 2023 @ 05:09


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