Coleopterametamorphobia: fear of being transformed

  • Coleopterametamorphobia: fear of being transformed into a beetle is a rare condition whchi caused F.'s insomnia. While the family cocooned for the Winter, F. wrote his epos "The
  • Metamorphosis", but later he tossed it in the trash. That bum, K. (you might know him as Kafka) found it while digging through the trash looking for a crust of bread.
  • K (Kafka) tossed the Metamorphosis aside, and, instead, yanked a moldy, harder than the rusted iron dumpster bottom upon which he stood, roach-infested crust of bread and ate it.
  • "Crunchy, hm." Kafka was glad for the extra protein as he'd had to skip breakfast that morning. He'd been evicted from his apartment. Apparently the landlord didn't take kindly to
  • him keeping crows in his kitchen. His opinion grew worse when the crows attacked the landlord. The boy who had just watched Kafka eat the cockroach up hungrily backed away.
  • But it was too late. The boy backed up into the legs of somebody official. He could tell. He looked up and it was a short squat man who was wearing a sort of pancho cape thing that
  • smelled like fish tacos. In a flash, the boy was enveloped into the folds of the fishy pancho by the little man & carried off into the foggy night. When the boy came to, he was
  • on display in an automat somewhere in New York City. It was 1963, and the tired office workers eyed him with doubt. He didn't look like a fish taco, whatever that was. His price
  • wasn't quite right, but neither was any of theirs. He looked more like a meager slice of lemon meringue pie more than a fish taco. That automat in 1963 somehow seemed
  • lovely compared to this slimy pile of doughy mess. He noted to sue the place for their insolence later, but for now, he needed an aspirin and a bucket; this was going to be messy.


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