The dog stopped barking, birds ceased their

  • The dog stopped barking, birds ceased their songs, and silence dominated everything.
  • Haymitch stared at the crime scene before him with a malevolent gleam in his bright, cat eyes. The dog was a self-righteous jerk. He had it coming. The bird, on the other hand
  • was a four-eyed crow in communion with the Owls. Haymitch got nervous and ran from the scene of the murder. The four-eyed crow tried to stich the dog's wounds, but
  • using his old glasses & stitched the dogs into a 8-egged creature with one buttock, ½ Shih Tzu & ½ basset, a half bassed mongrel if you will. The crow sicked it on Haymitch's scent
  • , which was considerable, as he hadn't showered since last week's Games. Peeta and Katniss had to hold their noses while battling the monstrosity. The Capitol was
  • in short supply of gas masks, so as the colossal skunk lumbered ever closer (having overpowered Peeta & Katniss) Glade prices soared & Snow went mental cause he ran out of cologne.
  • Peeta tried to give the last drop of cologne to Katniss, but she refused it."No, Peeta,"she said."If this is how it ends,it'll be together."Katniss drew her bow&aimed at the skunk
  • Who was brewing Ole Polecat Whiffkey, made in the woods. Who would have thought skunks could brew whiskey? Here was proof and it tasted good, per the Liquor Police. Katniss told
  • the skunk who brewed whisky, "I'll drink your filthy mammalian rot gut, but you better have some smokes, dig? I don't drink unless I can smoke." Katniss backed her command
  • up with the gesture of smoking a joint. The skunk said in a weasel-like manner, "Of course." and pulled out a box of cigars. Katniss smartly pocketed the box and took a swig smugly


  1. Flopp Apr 24 2016 @ 15:34

    Good Ole Haymitch. Still drunk as ever.

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