Someone told me. It's all happening at the

  • Someone told me. It's all happening at the zoo. some young chimp ate his poo. I do believe it. I do believe it's true. Mmmmm mmmmh woooahh mmmh..
  • Suddenly the drugs started to kick in. I'm not sure what that guy had given me to take but he had good taste in clothes so it seemed like a good idea. Speaking of which, where was
  • Huggy Chives? Oh, yeah, he was doing his last bit of Butlering for that old coot up at the White House. I am sure it was the drugs that done told me to start going simple, going
  • slow, steady. The buzz of relaxation. Yes, this is nice. This is good. Let's just lay down, maybe watch the stars or something. Something nice. Something
  • ...just absoulely perfect. In a weird way being tripped out like this was more peaceful than any other drug I'd ever experience.. for a time. But then the pain started, and I ha
  • -ha-ha'd my way through it, as laughter is supposed to be the best medicine. (It isn't, by the way.) Still, I was glad to have avoided the opiates, since they stop me up like
  • Pineapples stopped me from eating tropical fruit for decades. Folding stories is good medicine too. I considet it the best medicine of all!
  • It soothes my all-encompassing depression that threatens to eat away at every positive aspect of my life. It burns the pain from my skull, straight through my burning eyes. Because
  • I'm suffering from Borderline Erectile-Dysfunction Apoplexy, and every time I see a bag of Cheetos, I go completely insane with rage and malice Aforethought...I cannot function
  • at snacktime. I just sit there, staring at whatever chips or pretzels are on my plate, my hand pale and flaccid. I am too young for this. Even Cheez-Whiz doesn't help. It's awful.


  1. Woab Feb 25 2017 @ 11:02

    A cautionary tale, to be sure.

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