A folder is someone on whom nothing is lost.

  • A folder is someone on whom nothing is lost.
  • A folder strives onward, no matter the cost.
  • "That'll be $42.11, please." the needle-nosed cashier whined, her kohl-lined eyes framed in diamond-rimmed glasses. I paid the bill. It was expensive, but I folded on.
  • The Girl Scouts were selling cookies outside the store. "How much for a box of Thin Folds?" I asked. They knew what I meant, clever girls. Walking to my car, I hummed "Fold On" by
  • Fold Lepper and the Foldicons.
  • Everyone looked down. They hated the name, but couldn't think of anything better. So, by default, they were known as Fold Lepper and the Foldicons. Their music changed every 8 bars
  • & each bar had a random number of beats. Only people with ADHD could dance to it. Discovering LEP stands for Limited English Proficiency, they changed their name to REO Foldwagon
  • but only FS baby boomers followed them. So they changed their name again from REO Foldwagon to 2 Foldz and in 1 week, were on top of the leader board.MoralEnd decided to investigat
  • e who this leaderboard champion really was. He discovered that it was REO using a different name, and so tore him down through the use of the media. MoralEnd had won.
  • Damn right.


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