Once upon a time, there are a really bad

  • Once upon a time, there are a really bad monkey, a bear and a bird.
  • They had a sort of love triangle, with the bear split between the monkey and the bird.
  • She liked the monkey for picking nits out of her fur, but the bird always found the best berries. Who should she date? The bear decided to sleep on it. After hibernating 5 months,
  • the bear woke up from his slumber to finally woo the lovely lady. But it turns out the world was now a futuristic metropolis of donuts. The bird and monkey he competed with were no
  • more than smudges of ash on the walls of his cave. The bear grumbled sadly, all thoughts of the lovely lady erased from his mind. If only he'd told bird and monkey how much they
  • meant to him. That night in the rain after the fire, that night, they had bonded over what they had each lost that night. That damn night again. Bear missed bird & monkey but under
  • the circumstances it was okay. Now, she could ot understand the crcumstances, so it was not okay. She stood before the mountain cliff shouting obscenities. Then she heard
  • what sounded like angels beckoning her over the cliffside. But when she leapt into their open arms, they evaporated, and in their place a giant raft hung in the air. She bounced
  • hard and nearly plummeted to her death, but a strong yet gentle hand caught hold of her and pulled her back into the air raft. The shock of survival was surmounted by the holy foxy
  • Loxy, whose presence in the craft unnerved her. Foxy Loxy stood over the dead body of Chicken Little. “Bitch wouldn’t stop saying ‘the sky is falling!’, so I put a cap in her ass."


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