"..truth. Whether to scientific truth, or

  • "..truth. Whether to scientific truth, or historical truth, or personal truth. If you can't find it within yourself to tell the truth, you don't deserve to friend that unicorn."
  • It turned out to be another lie. Larry lied. But he lied real good. He looked at you as if he meant it. He never washed his hands in the bathroom but always came out with a paper
  • mustache attached to his forehead. Anatomy was not his forte. "It's a beard," he would lie, making matters worse. But, for whatever ungodly reason, women LOVED him, and in ways
  • that would make a Pigalle street corner whore blush. As long as he shaved his forehead and kept in the shadows, all was well. But one day he forgot to shave and in a meeting regard
  • Ing his future as a paramedic, he donned an ape mask. His boss was thinking he was merely rehearsing a stand-up comedy routine for his gigs at Zanies Comedy Club. That ruse worked.
  • He did a shtik about King Kong & a barbie doll as Fay Ray. The patient was so distracted by his comedy routine she forgot she was in the back of an ambulance. But when she laughed
  • a little spritz of blood would shoot out of her wound reminding everyone how dire the situation was. The EMT whose parents were actors who spent their life on the vaudeville circui
  • -t yelled "It's show-time, folks!" every time her wound spurted, but since the emergency rooms were all filled up with tots with coins up their noses, he could not get a surgery.
  • It was right at that moment that I realised that I could just walk away from it unhindered, so I did. I walked away from all of it with only the clothes I was wearing.Even that was
  • unbearable at first. But I put my pants on like everybody else so I knew I could handle it. I feared everything would fall apart if I ended it but in the end it was okay.


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