A great deal of confusion could certainly

  • A great deal of confusion could certainly have been avoided if the organizers of the inaugural skin cancer prevention awareness gala hadn't titled the conference: ForSkin!
  • half of the people who showed up to the gala were people for cancer dressed to the nines with their hair and make up done. The other half were confused, fat nudists.
  • Here's the thing about confused fat nudists, they are always hungry. So despite the unfortunate setting and the disgusted Cancer gala guests, they waddled to the buffet table.
  • Buffet dining is the preferred method for fat nudists not only for the unlimited supply of nourishment, butt (ha-ha) for stocking their pannus pantry for leaner times.
  • But how to smuggle the food out was a problem. It wasn't like the chubby nudists had any pockets. The resplendent buffet was a virtual cornucopia of calories! Fat Freddy fingered
  • a juicy sausage & yanked it off the buffet station & out the Nudist Fat Farm's mess hall, wondering who the idiot following him was. "HEY LEGGO MY THINGY!" Oops. Fat Freddy dropped
  • the wang like it was an asp and his name was Cleopatra. Fat Freddy was impressed. He had stretched that peen out to over 4 feet. When it sprang back it hit the guy in the eye. He
  • Uh, "cocked" it like a shotgun and shot love pellets into the guys sternum. The pellets sprouted legs and a fist with a single eye and a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth.
  • Bursting through the poor sap's sternum, the two-legged toadfish greeted the world with a screeching rendition of "Love Child" before sprinting for the nearest 7-11, where it
  • promptly collapsed at the automated door, having suffocated to death. Despite the size of the fish people paid it no mind, stepping on the once-gold corpse with no thought to it.


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