max was drunk,he shouted "reginea ! reginea!"

  • max was drunk,he shouted "reginea ! reginea!" .In the darkness he was searched for his wife he.He tripped over ...
  • Tripped over a dead body and he heard sounds like someone else is there . It's like something is suspicious is happening in his house. Is it
  • Is it the wife that was being killed or is his house being robbed or either his house is haunted? All his thoughts were being disturbed by shuffling noises made from
  • stomach after eating Vanessa's Make-Ahead Beefy Lasagna. His burps tasted good, but he could feel layers of jagged acid flowing deep in his core.
  • He'd write Vanessa an angry letter when he got back from the hospital. Seven seconds of searing pain later, a white-coated lady was by his side. "Can you rate your pain from 1-10?"
  • "No," he answered, his voice getting louder with each word, "I can rate my pain from 11 to How Loud Vanessa Will Scream When I Get My Hands on Her!" The doctor tied down his hands
  • with super rope licorice candy, which he proceeded to lick until it got all sticky. Then he stuck the sticky candy on the doctor's mustache and yanked hard. "Ouch, you little basta
  • shouting caricature of yourself! You will hear from both my barber & my dentist!" & with that, the last doctor in the city that would still treat me left with his injured mustache.
  • The grey hairs felt pinched and the red ones told them to mind their business. And so the doctor grew a goatee to accommodate their demands. He was last seen on June 26, 2017 at a
  • speed dating event in downtown Omaha, at the Heathen House. He disappeared sometime between the 3rd & 4th rounds. Nobody saw him leave though. Only the red & the grey remained.


  1. Woab Jun 27 2017 @ 10:50

    Oh dear. The doctor not only changed genders, he also lost his mustache. Not a good day for him/her.

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