"WHAT" screamed Charolotte as the floor collapses

  • "WHAT" screamed Charolotte as the floor collapses due to an unholy amount of hotdogs. She was really confused because
  • she ordered hamburgers. Charlotte opened up a fresh jar of Mayonade, the new soft drink exclusively sold at Walmart. You can find other cheap, Chinese-made, toxic trash at Walmart,
  • and pretty much any grocery store that isn't Whole Foods or the like. Charlotte drank the Mayonade, and was weirded out by the taste of mixed yolk, bubbly fizz and other chemicals.
  • gatorade is rly disgusting
  • Then he left the story.
  • He didn't know where else to go - he had always been part of one story or another.
  • He definitely isn't part of this story. But I guess by saying he isn't in this story, he kind of is in this story. Or maybe not. But anyway, he isn't in this story. So where is he?
  • Like I even care. If I never hear his name again that's fine. Do you know where he went? I'm just wondering. I truly don't care. It's fine. I'd just like to know where he is so
  • I could make sure he knows how much I don’t care. That is all I care about, really. Sooo… Do you think he’s over at Rodney’s? Because that’s where he goes to
  • oh, I don't think so. He might try to make you more care to him.


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