I started drinking the sea water the moment

  • I started drinking the sea water the moment the boat left San Pedro. I had swallowed a jelly fish and prayed it would kill me, but I am still here. Damn it. If only
  • the powers of Aquaman could be muted for only a moment. The disappointed cries of jellyfish only served to depress me further. Seafood is such a downer. "Only when eaten", he said
  • while ignoring his religion's prohibition against shellfish. Little did he know
  • but the rabbi's wife, Bernice, actually was the Venus d' Milo, emerging from her shell. The traif wife would have to
  • struggle to make ends meet, because her husband never did bring home the bacon.
  • but that was ok, being a vegetarian, his failings in that department never bothered her, it was the bloodied rags, and axe that she found hidden that caused her problems, what was
  • he up to? It doesn't take rocket science to figure out the uses of an axe combined with bloody rags. Is my gardener filling my yard with
  • dead rabits? I hope he at least kept the feet or else my dreams of becoming a lucky rabbit's foot salesman are down the shitter. I knew I should have let Bunicula have free reign.
  • It wasn't as if we hadn't pleaded with Bunicula and the others. But that was just it, wasn't it? No one was going to listen ever again. The bat had seen to that and always had.
  • The ball spoke to me in hushed tones as to not wake the bat. "Kill yourself. You know it's really your fault. You don't want to get caught, do you?" I threw that damn ball far away


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