He placed the stranger's child right next

  • He placed the stranger's child right next to the folding star in the swimming pool library, hoping some thieving boy would not steal cast a spell upon him. The line of beauty, he
  • observed in his lover's body was so beautiful to him that he wondered if he should give up his job as a night club bouncer & take up writing full time. Alan wearily pulled on his
  • spacesuit and headed for the taxi station. Commuting to the moon every day was a pain, but lunar taverns paid bouncers the big moolah for the inconvenience and hazard. Some of the
  • customers at Copernicus Craters classiest Bar generally behaved themselves, but sometimes rich kids had a few too many beer balls. Bouncer had a whole new meaning in lunar gravity
  • navel gazing. Bouncer grabbed one of these Rich cyborgs by his beerballs and dragged him down the timing corridor. The Nutrino Shuttle was leaving for 7xtr.141 and guess who
  • had just become a stowaway? It turned out the Rich cyborg wasn't a cyborg and I had ripped off his beerballs & the reason he was rich was because his father was the Devil's lawyer.
  • His father went by the name of Mr. Bull when practising law so he had an excuse to wear his horns in public. The Devil didn't mind so long as Mr. Bull did his job as prosecutor.
  • But the devil didn't like it when he discovered that Mr. Bull had stolen some of his lost souls from him, and had started his own "new and improved" version of Hell. He called it
  • "Chance." Chance would be the new and approved Hell where people would get a chance to redeem themselves. It's like a limbo but filled with the pain of watching the
  • most unholy, gruesome ways in which sinners were tortured and killed. "Umm...is this like Tea & Cake or Death?" I asked the demon. "Why yes, yes it is!" he said."Err..cake please!'


  1. LordVacuity Dec 20 2018 @ 22:36

    The cake is always a lie. Enjoy it now but the choice for death was made for you by being born.

  2. ValkyrieGrrl Dec 21 2018 @ 08:59

    LordVacuity - Yikes. That's grim with my morning toast...;0

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