The Three Little Pigs,tired of the wolf's

  • The Three Little Pigs,tired of the wolf's assaults,got three little tiger cubs trainned from Tibetan Monks.
  • They dressed the tiger cubs up in pig costumes and waited for a visit from the Big Bad Wolf. (Tee hee!!) Shhhh! Here he comes now! "Little Pigs, Little Pigs, let me come in!"
  • Big Bad heard giggling & after huffing & puffing etc. ate the tiger cubs. He said "These little pigs have an exotic taste." The Wolf & pigs stood trial for violating the endangered
  • species act. But the Wolf & Three little pigs had hired Johnny Cochran. It was the Fairy Tale's Trial of the Century.
  • The witnesses spoke Gibberish and their evidence was visual. It was a false front. Behind it, there lurked some nasty reminders of the past. It was inevitable, the Young Turk said.
  • Being the inventor of the language, Gibber became the new Sultan and there was a grand festival involving cats in silk pajamas and lots of lamb stew. The Young Turk was put in
  • a Turkish prison where his nipples were glued to a plexiglass window while the rest of the cage was pressed against the window frame for automatic filing of the prisoner's by time.
  • She found herself wondering why there were so few Armenians in this Turkish prison, and also wondered if Turkish prisons worked like Turkish baths. Would it be a Turkish delight?
  • she found to her dismay that it was not in fact a delight. They tortured her by making her sample horrendous flavors of Turkish delight, each time a clerk would make a note of her
  • visceral reactions using a hidden array of realtime face and body scanners. The data collected would help them develop templates for the crowd-control unit's contortion projectors.


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