So the large leather-faced woman began to

  • So the large leather-faced woman began to scream and squeal. The elephant had stepped on her hand as she reached
  • for the door handle to the elephant's cage. Every bone in her hand was broken and she couldn't do anything with it. She looked toward the elephant, which now had its back turned
  • out of anger. She had hurt the elephant's feelings by not saying "Hello" when she had walked into the cage. She had things to do. She can't walk on egg shells just because the
  • pachyderms had thin skins. None of them were dumbo. None were going to fly her away into millionaire status. They were just stupid elephants. She ignored their hurt feelings until
  • she got the idea to sell them as pets! Yes, by the time she was done working her magic, every man, woman, and child would want an elephant all their own! But first, she had to
  • get rid of the elephants' greatest rival, the most foul of opponents and most evil of competitors.. the infamous Heffalumps. Purple beasts so vicious that
  • Cowboy TV tamed them!
  • But soon the writers were filled with the holy spirit of the fold, and worked to destroy all vestiges of television westerns on the site. Flava Flav reality shows were soon back in
  • a way that made most people cancel their TV subscriptions - instead opting for
  • GnatFlicks. Most thought they were getting DVDs in the mail. Unfortunately, the fruit fly canister would explode upon arrival and infestation ensued. Not that entertaining.


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