tim wants the d in his mouth all night

  • tim wants the d in his mouth all night long oh yeah give it to me
  • so I can box it up and deliver it to him. "Nah, you're gonna blow it." "Am NOT. You can trust me with this. Now hand it over." "No!" "Gimme! You're ripping Tim's..." *Rip* "Uh-oh."
  • "Tim really needed that" "Why?! I thought it was just..." He looked in astonishment. "A GOLDEN TICKET?!" "It's a secret. Now, it's ripped. What will Wonka think?" Well, what Wonka
  • don't know won't hurt him." Tim was a miserable little guttersnipe. I on the other hand really cared about Willie Wonka. His money and candy mean nothing because he is my father
  • And now my teeth are all gone. But I have no dental insurance. So I let them go. Tim eventually took over the business and started folding stories day and night just to stay sane.
  • I became a jello connoisseur. Everyone always peddles the lime or the cherry. The secret is bacon jello with a dash of maple syrup-sweet, savory, and perfect for toothless wonders
  • like the men who live in my secret compartment under the dash. They love bacon jello with a dash of maple syrup. That's how I bribe them to steal old popcorn machines for my
  • bachelor man-cave love-trap trailer, which I have hitched out back in case I see anyone in need of seduction. The guys under my dash dash in and out of the drive-in snack bars
  • but for some reason he actively avoided sinks and blue buckets. If he were to see a blue bucket floating at the entrance of the Panama Canal he would detour around Chile. This did
  • nothing to increase his popularity as a plumber. Suddenly he pictured a sink with a blue bucket in it and swooned. A large masculine woman caught him. Love bloomed...


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