I really don't have a better story than the

  • I really don't have a better story than the time that girl with cerebral palsy wandered into my bar on clown night, and those drunken lunatics took her into the parking lot and
  • wholeheartedly apologized for parking in the Handicap space. She replied to the drunkards, "I'm not handicapped, I'm handi-capable. I take the 'dis' out of 'disability'. And
  • at which point she wheeled around and saw one of the drunks smiling and weilding her crutches. "Take the dis out of disability now" he sniggered... She reached into her car door
  • because it was made of silly puddy. She reached through the door grabbed the drunk's nuts, then she stepped on the gas and her silly
  • putty exploded into a heap of gray goo. This was no silly putty! These were the dreaded nano machines! Sally screamed, so the drunk started yelling too. Her spam baby casserole was
  • salty, god was it salty. Thinking quickly, I grabbed a handful of casserole and smushed it all over the nano machine blob. The blob instantly dessicated and ground to a halt. Sally
  • Salty cuisine quite faulty,your tuna casserole sure does blow. Two shakes pepper, one pound spam,in a briny broth of clam... but the nano machine blob merged with the spam, becomin
  • g intelligent and self-directing. The Nano-Spam didn't need to replicate like other nano-bots. It sped from kitchen to grocery like lightening, spoiling the taste of all food by
  • spraying and slathering the items with liquified Spam as it sped past. Gourmet grocery store owners beware, Nano-Spam bot is coming to town!
  • There was nothing more anyone could do. The end. Now go to sleep. "That was the worst bedtime story ever!" cried Tommy. "You suck. I hate babysitters. I want my Mommy NOW!"


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