I find that squirrels are the most intriguing

  • I find that squirrels are the most intriguing creatures in zero-gravity, especially when
  • the other scientists release a carton of acorns into the room. Watching their fluffy tails wiggling about is thoroughly
  • engrossing. When the cuteness became too much, they opened a door and let in a pack of hungry wolverines. It only took 3
  • minutes before we were all friends. In 5 minutes we moved onto some heavy petting, and the room was getting
  • warmer. I started to take off all my clothes until I realized underneath my t-shirt I was still wearing
  • the Superman costume my mother had sewn for me. A quick glance around the room revealed to me one simple fact:
  • I was the only one in costume. A wave of nausea swept over me just like the time in fifth grade when
  • after Jenny turned me down, I realized why. There it was, a boulder size snot hanging off my nostril. No wonder I am
  • always finding myself alone at last call, nobody to bare my soul to after a short but passionate encounter. It figures,
  • I'm always all dressed up with no one to blow. When is it going to B my turn in the spotlight? My 15 minutes of fame?


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