The fewer the submarine crews the better

  • The fewer the submarine crews the better the
  • odds of hi-jacking a submarine. This was Spectre's plan. So they had arranged a rainbow festival in Goa. Submariners, who are known to sympathize with rainbows, were attending
  • es masse. The Nautilus was parked in the cove next to a yellow submarine, and the Coelacanth. Nemo, the Fab four, and Agent Muddymuddskipper were distracted, when Spectre's Seal's
  • subatomic rowboat appeared and fired on the conglomeration. John Lennon screamed "No, not again!" Luckily Agent Muddymuddskipper's training kicked in and he was able to use Nemo as
  • a life preserver while scissor kicking, slicing the choppy water at a jaunty angle with his muscular legs. Nemo didn't take kindly to being smothered by Agent Muddymuddskipper, but
  • He knew he would survive by his own wits. Three years later, he was a stair climbing champion. He defeated Joe Kenny by three seconds. Next thing Nemo knew, he was famous and rich.
  • Nemo let the fame and money go to his head. He felt the power of greed surge through him. Drugs, women, and booze. The world watched in horror as the once famous stair climber
  • He now lives on the streets begging for money and food to carry him on to the next day. With every new stranger he meets he tries to tell his story, but they think he is just crazy
  • . But one person alone knows that he's not crazy: Lynette saw the whole thing and knows that he tells the truth, but she has crippling social anxiety and cannot speak. So she knits
  • the truth into the fabric of Reality. It is always there to be seen by anybody who wants the truth of any matter. All matter matters or it wouldn't matter nor would it be matter.


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