It didn't take me long to realize that Julie

  • It didn't take me long to realize that Julie was a kleptomaniac.
  • All I had to do was re-count the cigarette butts in my ashtray. Yup, only four. There should've been five. Why she thought she could get away with such a brazen act is beyond me.
  • Eating my fifth cigarette was bad enough, but snorting the ashes was...well...beyond comprehension. So, as she sat there on my faux leather sofa...with cigarette ash on her upper
  • bosom, I was torn...it disgusted me, but she was delicious..I just had to snort the ashes...and lick the tar from her lower bosom...this war would never end...not for I, Bardamu...
  • The thirty years war brought down all the monarchies in one felll swoop. They drank the kool aid I made that was laced with narcissism. I played dumb when the karma police
  • came bursting through our doors, trying to find me--the koolaid culprit. But they were also narcissistic from the koolaid, and they thought with certainty it was my brother Clyde.
  • He got the nickname Blue Clyde after the time he drank blue Kool-aid and hallucinated that he was one of the Blue Meanies. They were sure it was him, not me, that had spiked their
  • horse carcass meal with Alien venom laced LSD. He hadn't counted on Peter Green of Fleetwood Mac to walk into his trap. The damage was done. Green called him Blue Clyde in his visi
  • on and that was the final straw for him. Unfortunately, it came too late. The excess of LSD popped his head off of his shoulders. So let this be a cautionary tale for you: Don't
  • let the bastards get you down. Always bet on black. Never give up, never surrender. And above all else, don't trip balls without a trusted friend to keep an eye on you!


  1. LordVacuity Aug 19 2023 @ 03:07

    On a sidenote, most likely not apropos, but The Blue Clyde are THe Pink Floyd in the universe next door. Just a random reminder. THe periwinkle ramona is the Pink Floyd of the universe on the other side of that one.

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