"Let me be the interior decorator of your

  • "Let me be the interior decorator of your heart". It came from a cage with a parrot. He was owned by a Lady's man. He learned all the guys successful openers. I bought the parrot
  • a bottle of whiskey and two notepads and I began to learn all I could from the charismatic wingflapper. I, in my scientific way, observed that after two glasses of whiskey, he
  • became extremely attractive. Whiskey always does that to me. I got drunk at a circus once. Once. Boy was that a mistake.
  • I ended up in the bearded fat lady's tent with a hangover the size of Jumbo the elephant & a big red swollen hickey on my...Um, & I found sequins stuck all over my ass. Circus sex
  • usually involves sea lions but it'd been their night off. So imagine my surprise when I found I was pregnant. I confronted the bearded lady and Bozo the Clown with the evidence.
  • "It's not mine," said the bearded lady. I believed her...him...it. But what about Bozo the Clown? I didn't remember whether the balloon he'd slipped on was broken when we
  • had left the circus ring but maybe it had broken when he'd tied it into a balloon poodle. Now that I'm carrying Bozo's baby, I'll never forget that night of madcap passionate love.
  • We left streaks of white grease paint all over the kitchen floor. It was wild. I fingered Bozo's nose in my lap. It was all I had left of him. Our baby would grow up without a dad.
  • Rapid transmission vapors usurped the war room.
  • There was no way to figure out what had happened prior to this but for the sake of his other 8 comrades, he did the best he could to save their words from languishing in oblivion.


  1. Gibber Nov 19 2014 @ 23:53

    Hooray m80!

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