It's FoldingStory Christmas Party time yet

  • It's FoldingStory Christmas Party time yet again. Ho ho ho! SlimWhitman is belting out 'My Heart Will Go On' into the karaoke machine. Suddenly bells start ringing. It's a sleigh w
  • hich Purple Prof and Jefforama are making out under. Moralend, dressed as Santa, interrupted Lucielucie karaoke-ing "The Holly and The Ivy" to recite the FS naughty and nice list
  • "I see what you've been folding. I knows when you're a troll, I know if you neglected the storyline for effects sake!" but Lucielucie ignored him hopping on her motorized FRTWNGL
  • and cried "On Chaz, on greenbanana, on m80 and PurpleProf! On SlimWhitman, on BlastedHeath, on Noah, and Nixonblack!" Then she whipped MoralEnd on the rump and fired up
  • the blender. She added a little bit of this and a little of that, some raw eggs and the leftover Chinese from a week ago. "That should do it. A cure for anything that ails you. Now
  • drink!" I picked up the glass, its vile contents sloshing around inside, and tipped the medicine into my mouth in one swift gulp. Ugh! If I wasn't sick before, I certainly was now.
  • Not that there was much to be done about it now. These things always came at an importune time. Always happened when I was busy, especially busy with things I wanted to do.
  • It was as if there was a force underlying the universe dedicated to interfering with my productivity. I sighed and tried to return my attention to the task at hand.
  • But the fundamental force of the universe swayed my thoughts to cute puppy videos for awhile, and then it was time for a smoke break. I ruminated over the task at hand far too long
  • , unusual for me, as I've had ADD all my life. Flicking my cigarette butt into the gutter & whistling the theme song from Andy Griffith, I headed back inside. It was nap time.


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