The Meaning Of Life. Part I I have come

  • The Meaning Of Life. Part I I have come to realize that modern life in western society has become nothing more than a mad rat race, and that we have completely lost touch with our
  • manners. Ladies behave like banshees and men seek out to perform in ungentlemen like behaviour Part II I have concerned about the worshiping of idiocy as intelligence is
  • part of the Network's fall line up. Good Day. Paul Harvey sat down. There, he'd told NBC his feeling. These oiled up young rudderless execs could put that in their pipe and
  • smoke it all they want. Paul Harvey then focused his eyes into the NBC news camera. "The young ones should know not to smoke anything they find on the floor!" shouted Paul Harvey
  • As Johnny Undersigned put the microphone in the correct position. Johnny was not a smoker, but he drank coffee. Hence Paul Harvey still had him as an assistant four years later.
  • Four years is the usual amount of time for things to occur in these parts. As Paul Harvey's assistant Johnny's main job was to try to keep Mr. Harvey in a good mood for his segment
  • It looked liked Johnny was failing at his job just now because his charge, Paul Harvey, is spewing expletives deep up an expletives expletive tower. Paul Harvey was not happy; not
  • watching his language; not behaving himself. That's why he was up in the tower. Fired, Johnny walked the streets, and could hear Paul Harvey up there, still cussing up a storm.
  • ...Hello Americans, I'm Paul Harvey. You know what the news is -- in a minute, you're going to hear the rest of the story. And now...page two...
  • But i sadly do not have time left, Oh well!


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