In the beginning, dog created the heaven

  • In the beginning, dog created the heaven and the earth and saw that it was doog. On the seventh day, dog rested.
  • Dog then created nam in his image. Mada and Eve lived in the Garden of Nede which was paradise but to Dog's consternation Mada and Eve grew restless. They wanted more.
  • Eve, for instance, wanted a name that wasn't a palindrome, But Mada rebuked her. "Hush up, and accept what Dog has given you." He plucked a pineapple from the Tree of Stupid and
  • Dog was enraged. Rather than lift a hind leg and flood the world, Dog issued some commandments, like "Thou shalt have no other best friends before Me." Sesom descended Mount Ianis
  • morisette and said, "Isn't it ironic?" It was a rhetorical question because Sesom answered it, "Yes, and I really do think." Dog was so disgusted that he pounced on the
  • sheriff's leg and bit his calf. The claw of his left paw caught his shoelace, and dog yanked it so hard the sheriff tripped and landed on his butt. "He does that now and then"
  • The deputy said. Robocop Robbie was sent out to investigate and found the dog innocent. The sheriff had no reason to be there except to visit his girlfriend, Spider Queen. She was
  • a leggy blonde who had earned the nickname in prison. The Sheriff had met her there during a routine visit and was taken with her exotic beauty. He vowed he would wait for her.
  • "Very well Sheriff, if you insist", the leggy blonde said burying her head in the menu and called our over it for "an Appletini con queso and I like my eggs on top of my toast!"
  • "A toast to your toast, then," said the Sheriff, "but leave out the cheese as I am lactose intolerant, thank God." But by then her legs had walked out the door in a huff.


  1. Flopp Oct 19 2017 @ 07:49

    I laughed a lot on this one!

  2. ianfort Oct 30 2017 @ 15:45

    Both Dog and God make an appearance!

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