She's a brick, and ever so slowly, she drowns

  • She's a brick, and ever so slowly, she drowns me.
  • In the murky depths of our relationship, I wonder when I will hit bottom. If only she would release me so I could rise and she will sink further.
  • But when she AT Last sent through the release forms, I continued to sink! Does not compute! She, on the other hand, lost a couple of stone & looked years younger. Now I'm a flounde
  • and a sinking flounde at that. I changed my mind and grasped at her feet. "No! You can't leave me! Come back!" She kicked at me but I grabbed her leg and held tight. Now we were bo
  • th floundering and sinking to the muddy bottom. Our feet squished in the slimy muck below. She squirmed and kicked me in the chin with her free leg. Stars danced above my head.
  • I let go of her & swam to the surface of the lake, river, I didn't care anymore. Her head popped up, she took a breath and yelled, "get away from me, you freak!" "But I love you!"
  • She doggy-paddled away from me. "Leave me alone! I hate..." glubglubglubglub... And just like that, she was gone. Someone or something pulled her under! "My love!" I cried, splashi
  • splashing and floundering she disappeared under the water. Only bubbles could be seen where she had disappeared.
  • Then the water calmed down, like it was covered in oil. Not a single crease or wave. Perfect as a sheet of liquid glass. Then the water surface twitched. It was a huge eye, and it
  • revealed to me that it had created all the water in the world by shedding a huge amount of tears. I knew this was impossible because it didn't possess lacrymal glands, you see?


  1. lucielucie Oct 31 2014 @ 09:34

    Now I'm a flounde and a sinking flounde at that - haha

  2. 49erFaithful Oct 31 2014 @ 14:02

    Oh, you think that's funny eh, lucielucie? This is a serious dern situation we've got here! Sheesh ... ;-)

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