"Ahh, nothing like a breath of fresh water

  • "Ahh, nothing like a breath of fresh water to calm the nerves," said Dean Charles, who had ditched his smoke-filled lungs for carp gills. He looked dashing in his salmon suit
  • , spawning admirable glances from the female salmon, nevermind his carp gills. Dean Charles breathed the freshwater in deeply, struck a bakasana yoga pose, and meditated, thinking
  • happy thoughts because there were no mistakes anymore, just happy accidents. Dean Charles said, "I am a beautiful cloud." and struck another yoga pose right over a nest of fire an
  • ts. He felt a ring of fire burn his fanny as he sat perched in chakra sampa atop the anthill. Dean Charles' yogi said, "Chuck, wot are you tinking, sitting der on holy anthill?"
  • Dean Charles said "Dern it yogi! My inner child said to seek a higher plain. So I climbed to the top of this hill, which happened to have ants." Yogi Pakra said "Yes, but why are
  • the clouds whispering? Why does the sky sing?" The ants were invading Dean's man-thong. "I dunno," he replied as he wiggled. "I flunked meteorology." Yogi Pakra grinned, revealing
  • his sense of humor and a set of pristine, pearly whites. Yogi Pakra asked, "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" Clearly he was trying to distract me from the ants in my pants,
  • so I slapped him. Yogi Pakra nearly fell off the mountain but scrambled for his life and eventually regained his composure. I realized I had forgotten about the ants in my pants w
  • hich had calmed down once they'd aligned themselves with my chakras. I picked up Yogi Pakra, dusted him off, & suggested we make a relaxation app for apple, android & windows.
  • We hereby dubbed it the "Off Simulator," and later released a version called the "Bricked Device Simulator," and all our profit was made off of irony. Doubt they used it, though.


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