I watched the sun's rise whilst I watched

  • I watched the sun's rise whilst I watched it's descent. Of course, not by choice, but it was still beautiful. I wanted to leave but I wanted to stay.
  • I looked up there was a fish it was flying over the top of me. I looked up again and the fish was gone. I was confused.
  • I then realized I was hallucinating.
  • The medication was way too strong. I started seeing things....unimaginable things. Thing I couldn't even explain. That night was mysterious and I was worried what actually happened
  • I tried to get up, but I only ended up being on the floor again. I closed my eyes tightly, trying to remember what happened.
  • someone had told me about my LSD adventure, and how I made out with every person (and thing) in the room. DJ tables were not desirable to make out with
  • but the stuffed animals are. I often in my spare time make love to the stuffed animals I've acquired over time. I take one with me everywhere so that I when I take a drug trip I
  • can have them to keep me company.
  • That's why I loved them. I mean, my seven dwarves were obviously better than Snow's. She was just jealous they loved me and not her.
  • That's why she had to die. How could I let her presence poison my own? That's why I poisoned the apple and disguised myself. I was saving my friends, not my luxurious self-esteem.


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