The worst part of all of this is everyone

  • The worst part of all of this is everyone telling me it will all be fine, that time heals all wounds and they're praying for me like somehow that will bring them back.I'm no child,
  • I know that people don't just rise from their graves if you hope hard enough. Indeed, it seemed that everyone each had something to say, but so little of it meant anything. Nobody
  • understood the moaning of the wish-they'd-stayed-dead-and-buried crowd.Noone that is until the Zombie Whisperer who deciphered Shamblerspeak. "They'll let you go for one hemisphere
  • of booty." Yes, the zombies liked them phat.
  • That is how Liza got away. She was as slender as a machete, and just as sharp. The zombies lurched on past her without a second glance.
  • But then Liza came upon a whole mess of zombies in a line, shoulder to shoulder, like Revolutionary War soldiers. Her slenderness wouldn’t allow her to get past them. What to do?
  • She considered using a trebuchet but the shoulder to shoulder marching zombies were coming faster than she had time to make one. Liza reached into her back pocket and pulled out a
  • large portion of her brain that she had no other particular use for, stirred in water to make a thin but satisfying gravy, and put it in a bowl. "Here Zombies," Liza called to them
  • The zombies really enjoyed the longpork and nutroast smothered in brain gravy. Liza knew the way to a zombie hordes heart was through their stomach. She wanted to mate n kill them.
  • But not in that order. Only after they were truly dead would she mate with their corpses. She shuddered. It was the only secure way to get that precious antibody and save humanity.


  1. Woab Dec 09 2019 @ 14:10

    Oooh! Noble ending, Chav!

  2. Chav Dec 10 2019 @ 00:26

    Thanks! :-)

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