As the little people began there dance, the

  • As the little people began there dance, the unicorn continued to beg for more. How could this be so?
  • just as she was thinking this, the unicorn disappeared.
  • The only thing that remained was a gold ring that had been hooked onto the mythical beast's horn. She reached down to pluck it from the stony ground.
  • That's a pretty ring, she thought, and put it on her finger. Immediately she found herself starting to transform into ... something! She tried to yank the ring off, but
  • the skin of her fingers folded around it and buried against the bone of her knuckle. The transformation thrashed under her skin, jabbing through the hollows of her cheeks and
  • twisting her mouth, creating a grotesque new creature that was now unrecognizable. She slowly turned her head around and faced me. She parted her lips and said
  • "Oh my god...!, you're so good...!"
  • Thank you for returning the wallet with my paycheck or my children would not have anything to eat.
  • My ex wife took everything I own and that was the first bit of money I have got since she left
  • Iowa. The Hawkeye State was one of the few jurisdictions that respected same-sex marriages. Too bad Tina didn't have the same respect for our marriage.


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