Leaving early on Friday afternoon....

  • Leaving early on Friday afternoon....
  • to avoid the traffic that clogged the streets in Rio had not been the best idea. Apparently I should have left before lunch, but then why bother to come at all. I sat in traffic
  • steadily injecting farts into the torn seats of my Alfa Romeo and wondering if I had time to stop at a street vendor to get some (in)famous Rio fish tacos. My gaze drifted to
  • unconsciousness due to the fumes. I dreamt like a Texan boy, visions of
  • football and financial collapse danced threw my head like sugar plums. Texas was
  • a big empty space full of big empty people, but that didn't throw him one bit. He was ready to take what was rightfully his, and no one could stop him. With a huff, he put
  • on his heatproof suit, picked up his flamethrower and jogged off to get the intelligence from
  • none other than the man himself, however, one problem remained, he had to get past that one thing that had been bothering him since
  • the day he first heard about his twin brother. How could he prevent him from stealing his identity? While thinking about this he didn't realize
  • that there was someone sneaking up behind him. He turned around to see... "You!" he gasped, as his twin brother pulled a revolver. "Me," said his twin, smiling and aiming. BANG!


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