Once upon a time there were three evil witches

  • Once upon a time there were three evil witches - the witch of the North, the witch of the South and the witch of the East.
  • But these three witches decided to give up their life of evil and go on a road trip to the west coast to try and find out what had happened to their missing sister. They packed up
  • and rented a van. The west coast was beautiful but they searched high and low for their beloved sister and still couldn't find her. So the three witches decided to drive south to
  • Orange County. The three witches wanted to start a beachside coven that was also a sober living.
  • The 3 witches found that the seaside air & healthy regimen of Satanic chants & human sacrifices ousted the craving for dope. Critics (those who returned) lauded their halfway coven
  • for their miraculous advances in alternative medicine. The three witches were given free reign in rehab centres across the country, sacrificing dope addicts to Satan to cure the re
  • cent plague epidemic. Honestly I didn't see the big deal. Anyone could throw a sleeping man into a volcano. I've done it myself, so that I could
  • Save the expense of yelling at the neighbours who were throwing stink bombs at my rotten crabapple tree. The ents came to my rescue and stood there, blocking anyone who dared try
  • Date their daughter Abigail. Abigail Crabapple had a sour disposition & lorded over us that she was a true Crabapple as attested by the DNA Registry to within a 99.999% certaincy.
  • She even had that written on the t-shirt she was wearing. As most people did not believe the DNA Registry existed they only felt pity for her when it was they that were pitiful.


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