I am waiting for snow to come so that i will

  • I am waiting for snow to come so that i will go out and make snow balls and snow mans and play with them throughout the night even giving up sleep. The snow is disappointing me
  • with its absence. How am I to enjoy making snow angels & snow men if there is no snow? I can I collect souls & imbue my angels and men with sentience? How can I conquer the world?
  • Wondered Dick Cheney. No, he had to make this global warming thing work for him. Then he realized, he would have Halliburton purchase all the land 15 feet from the ocean. In 80
  • days, he could travel around the entire world! As he prepared his crew for the journey, he was careful not to let on the true motivation behind the trip. His entire life would be
  • recorded and his biography would be written on Galapagos Tortoise shells, to insure its preservation for the future generations. He would take his crew and explore
  • islands with funky species found nowhere else. His crew would eat anything with meat on it and whatever was left he would press in his book, kill in a jar, or send to the queen.
  • The queen had such sick wants and desires. She'd eat anytyhing, as long as it was "exotic" so he was going to
  • feed her something "exotic" all right! How would she like a big tall glass of STFU?! That tastes delicious, so I came at her with my fork and my bad attitude and said "OPEN WIDE!"
  • I swung the fork hard at her face but missed and she busted my cheek open with a roundhouse jujitsu chop. I staggered backward, all the more enraged. I still held the fork
  • I feinted a left hand swing at her throat and as she went to block, I brought the fork up fast and hard, jamming it up into her nasal cavity, with a vicious twist I spun her around


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