Roscoe was a Boston Terrier in a Top Hat,

  • Roscoe was a Boston Terrier in a Top Hat, super cute but also, hideously evil.
  • Roscoe had no issue with blackmailing the postman to deliver doggy toys to his letterbox. The postman began to have nightmares about being audited or people complaining when
  • their packages arrived soggy. Yet the worst dream involved the postman being chased by a wily pack of howling pooches, led by none other than Roscoe and singing "Bad to the Bone."
  • My fiesty little Roscoe...I smiled at his ferocious face."Good boy," I crooned as he pushed his nose against the window,watching for the postman. Suddenly, Roscoe spotted a squirre
  • l climbing a tree. It wasn't a tree with any acorns either, so Roscoe was curious. He went out to investigate the squirrel, when he heard a a voice from above speak to him. "Hello
  • It was Nicole, she lived among the branches because the police was still looking for her. Especially after what she did to her boyfriend. He was banged up bad, in some hospital bed
  • With fifty stitches. He was there six weeks and threatened to sue Nicole. This was serious business. There was too much at stake. He sent her the bill through his lawyer in 2016.
  • 5 weeks later a later came back saying that Nicole died. He was confused. How could someone do such a thing. There was a knock at the door... the police.
  • "I'm afraid you have been sleep walking again, the Police said. "It seems Nicole's blood was found all over your dirty boxers and we are going to have to
  • use Bloody Hell brand laundry detergent to get it out again." So remember, friends- when life is bloody inconvenient use Bloody Hell detergent and all your cover-up will be a snap.


  1. Rebbie Sep 29 2016 @ 14:50

    It didn't get the blood out of my Christmas jumper. I wan't my money back!

  2. Woab Sep 29 2016 @ 14:58

    I'd sue Bloody Hell as soon as I got out of prison, if I were you.

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