The best thing about shelled peanuts is the

  • The best thing about shelled peanuts is the mystery. Will it be a burnt one? Extra salty? Shriveled? Two regular ones? Or that pinnacle of legume evolution: the TRIPLE. Mmm God is
  • Mr. Peanut. The peanut you get is the peanut you're dealt. You know what God thinks about you based on what kind of peanut you pick out of the bowl. A well-shaped & salted peanut
  • that Superman flicked at the speed of sound shattering the mirror in the bar when Superman went on the bender and became the bad Superman and had a five o'clock shadow and
  • a mustache. because all bad guys have a mustache. Bad Superman then used his laser vision to break the Fourth wall and leaped off the comic book page, and into the Batcave, where a
  • tiny dwarf guard who had been programmed to think he was Gandalf defended the entrance vigorously. However, Bad Superman was better and soon gained access into the Batcave where
  • he was distracted by the silken-voiced vending machine that called alluringly from a dark and dusty corner. "I've a thing for men", it confided, "the badder and superer the better"
  • And you, honey, can fill the bill. He dug his tongue into her mouth and they hungrily kissed like 2 lost lovers. Whoa! Baby, you're a hot one. Let's catch a taxi and finish this
  • at my place. In the taxi his tongue dug around in her mouth some more. He felt a molar give way & woah! a gusher spurted out of her mouth. He'd hit oil! Black gold! In his date's m
  • outh, he'd stumbled upon a new energy source. Now he only had to convince her to sell. He stuck his fingers inside to stop the oil from leaking all over the vinyl seats of the cab.
  • Of course, since the driver himself was already so greasy, & considering the sort of deeds he got up to when he was meant to be working, it was hardly a detraction from the decor.


  1. lucielucie Jul 15 2013 @ 13:57

    It's true that thing about getting a triple peanut. Except I call peanuts in their shell monkey nuts.

  2. 49erFaithful Jul 15 2013 @ 16:43

    I find their frequency within the natural population to be nearly ideal: just rare enough to be special, and yet common enough to keep hope alive.

  3. lucielucie Jul 16 2013 @ 15:07

    Hope is important when snacking.

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