Pagi itu sungguh indah. Burung-burung berkicau

  • Pagi itu sungguh indah. Burung-burung berkicau di dada langit. Mentari menyebarkan sinarnya ke bumi untuk dinikmati setiap makhluk. Di bawah sebatang pohon rendang duduk seorang
  • Orang Gadang. Dia suka lagu burung.Tetapi ia adalah saat aman jarang. Sejak gambar beliau muncul dalam karya, ramai orang takut dan diburu beliau.
  • " I must have had a puzzled look on my face as I listened to the medicine man gesturing wildly, jumping around and pointing at my camera. I hadn't understood a word he'd said, but
  • I caught it all on video. The medicine man, or "Chiropractor" as he refers to himself was trying to communicate something to me. But he couldn't do it words because of the
  • deafness that afflicted me, so instead he made me drink a concoction he made with various herbs, and soon I was 'visualizing' what he meant: a huge purple elephant spoke to my mind
  • twisting bright, neon-coloured balloon animals into words. Unfortunately I had never learned to read. By this time he was getting a little irritated at my ineptitude and
  • popped the letter M. I watched transfixed as it spun around the room, discarding its contents. Was this, too, a sign I was to slow to comprehend? The look on his face told me
  • that I was out of my depth. Of course, that's what my last manager had written, too - "He'd be out of his depth in a puddle of water", he'd said. Maybe that's why popping the M
  • wasn't such a great idea. The M was filled with liquid heliognite, a caustic substance that burns like the sun. But it burns management just as easily. I popped the M in their
  • meeting room, filed his last TPS report, and waited for the screaming to begin. Some days, it was good to be a gangsta.


  1. Zetawilk Sep 21 2012 @ 19:33

    Something happened here.

  2. KieferSkunk Sep 21 2012 @ 19:43

    Apparently they need to fix some code on the site to make sure clicking "Submit" multiple times doesn't spam the fold. :)

  3. Chaz Sep 21 2012 @ 20:39

    For a moment, I thought it was Groundhog's Day meets Office Space.

  4. Chaz Sep 21 2012 @ 20:45

    Google Translation from Indonesian: It was a beautiful morning. The birds are chirping in the sky chest. The sun spreading its rays to the earth to be enjoyed every creature. Under the tree sat a man Gadang rendang. He likes the song she is now safe burung.Tetapi rare. Since his picture appeared in the paper, bustling people are afraid and he hunted.

  5. KieferSkunk Sep 21 2012 @ 21:10

    I tried to contact FoldingStory via the ContactUs link below, but for some reason Google Groups is blocking my mail (and I'm a Gmail user!). Can someone else try to report the bug and see if it works for you? :(

  6. Zetawilk Sep 21 2012 @ 21:19

    Google: "It's like urinating blood".

  7. SlimWhitman Sep 22 2012 @ 05:26

    I sent a message. Google seems to have changed the translation of Indonesian. It used to say something more comprehensible, but I forgot exactly what. Orang Gadang is apparenty something like the Indonesian Big Foot but he carries off people.

  8. jayursus Sep 22 2012 @ 08:50

    Sorry about the multiples, everyone. I actually hit "Submit" just once, but he page froze and this is the result.

  9. noah Sep 22 2012 @ 08:51

    Hi everyone. Apologies for the multi-line bug, we're going to look into it and see if we can figure out what went wrong. You should be able to reach us at the info@foldingstory.com address. I'll keep an eye on this comment thread if you want to try emailing again KieferSkunk, did you get a bounceback?

  10. KieferSkunk Sep 22 2012 @ 15:47

    Hi Noah. Thanks for looking into this. :) I actually got a message from Google Groups saying my email violated a Bulk Senders policy. I tried twice, but got the same result back. It wasn't clear if the problem was on my end or yours, but since I'm just on standard Gmail and don't subscribe to Groups, I'm guessing it's on yours. I'll try again.

  11. KieferSkunk Sep 22 2012 @ 15:49

    Nope, failed again. This is the message I got back: Technical details of permanent failure: Message rejected by Google Groups. Please visit http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=188131 to review our Bulk Email Senders Guidelines.

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