She cackled over the screams of the children.

  • She cackled over the screams of the children. She wasn't accustomed to cackling, but it was all she could do not to piss herself every time one begged for help. Standardized tests
  • showed that she was an INTJ: Introversion, Intuition, Thinking and Judgment. Basically she had the heart of wall socket and the soul of a mandolin vegetable slicer. Slicer? Good
  • god, how? She had always tried to be a "people person" - her job demanded it. But there was something behind that crooked smile that rendered her untrustable. When her potatoes
  • (mashed) were squished through her teeth, "spaghetti-fied" spuds resulted, making her utterly untrustable in her Human Resources position. Her unfortunate eating habits resulted
  • In a cancellation of her subscription to USAToday. If that weren't humiliation enough, she used up her last disposable underwear this morning. Could she still fold a napkin into a
  • knot? She really should have kept the reusable underwear and just washed them while she read the paper. "We have become such a disposable culture." She thought, looking around for
  • the spoonstraw to her jumbo Slurpee. She stuck it in the red slush and proceeded to chase it in circles around the plastic dome with her tongue, trying to corral it into her mouth.
  • The sight of her chasing that Slurpee straw with her tung was so alluring every teenage boy in the room stared at her raptly. Then the boys simultaneously shivered, quivered and
  • as a group suffered brain freezes. She stuck out her Raspberry Blue tongue. She then used her telepathic powers to cloud their minds. "You guys want Slurpees!" "WE WANT SLURPEES!"
  • Your tongues need to be back to normal. Mixing slurpees is a no-no. To clean the groups tongues they swished with a weird wash that puckered their mouths. "So greedy! NO SLURPEES!"


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