I'm testing the site for a workshop for teachers

  • I'm testing the site for a workshop for teachers in May.
  • In addition, I am calling random phone numbers and leaving messages such as: "The multiverse is buzzing with bio-electricity. We exist as a resonance cascade." Will it help?
  • Lo and behold, it worked! One by one, the unenlightened slobs in town began to see the virtue of The Brotherhood. I thought the Prophet would be happy with my work, but he just
  • kept on trying to optimize his "enlightenment" web page for searches. The Prophet was real tech savvy. He'd saved Steve Jobs from the devil. True story. It all happened in Northern
  • Ireland, during a quick stop off in Derry. Steve Jobs had insisted on landing the jet to pee. He'd forgotten to install a toilet. The jet landed in a field, where the Devil was
  • just biding his time,trying to decide what kind o' trouble to stir up next. "Who's dis comin' at me?" the Devil hissed. "Hey! Where's there a terlet round here?" shouted Steve Jobs
  • unaware that he was addressing Lucifer. "Why, it's right here, my friend!" shouted the Devil, and just like that, Steve Job's face became a terlet with a padded seat. Scumbags from
  • Silicon valley hacked his Apple mail and he had to change his address completely. Satan had his own email server and gave Steve Jobs a new email: stevej@satanmail.com in 2017.
  • Hs carefully clicked send. Boom. Michael Jackson was sure to see this email. Who's the king of pop now MJ? Clearly Satan was the most popular.
  • Satan could moon walk a wall of flame. He could killya with his thriller. He was the baddest bad, he was beetlejean, a lean mean, death dealing machine.


  1. Flopp Oct 11 2017 @ 16:19

    Welcome teachers, welcome all!

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