One day, a person was walking though a forest.

  • One day, a person was walking though a forest. Then, he saw a group of bears screaming and running away.
  • The sight of their huge, hairy bodies really kicked up his bearanoia. He could barely stand it, but wanted to know what was chasing them through the forest. So he hid behind
  • a tree. It was the best they could find, but it worked! The bears ran right past him, and he immediately took off in the opposite direction.
  • As he ran down the wooded trail, he suddenly bent down and grabbed his knees, he had to catch his breath. Little did he realize that behind him as an oncoming
  • gust and scattering of leaves, as of sounding owls or a bicyclist pack, there came a spirit to greet him. "Nice legs!" Startled, he looked around, then sprinted wooded trail
  • he did. Realize how his body wiggled when jogging he did not. A shrill whistle cut through the silence. He stopped and scanned the path and the surrounding woods again. Who
  • Would have imagined dogmen having a colony established deep within the forest and not bothering humans? Why would humans go there anyway? Dr. Dog, the colony's leader, was
  • a highly evolved Dachshund who stood on his hindlegs to be taller than his four pawed brethren. At the colony's meeting under Dogwoods, Mr.Chow claimed Dr.Dog had marked the tree
  • with a disgusting stream of his urine. Mr. Chow was horrified at the audacity of Dr. Dog, and was absolutely appalled that a dog with a PhD could possibly go to such extremes in
  • the name of love. Miss Flufferknuckles, a young Scottish terrier, was now soaked to the bone. Her mouth gaped open in surprise as her white fur dripped yellow pee.


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