If you're reading this sentence, it means

  • If you're reading this sentence, it means I'm likely dead.
  • Or well, undead, if that makes any sense. I'm writing from beyond the grave. Decided to take a break from casket... I was feeling a bit holed in.
  • But I find it's more crowded with the underwood in here. Damned casket, why don't they make the things bigger? Maybe I should lose weight...
  • I could feel the wooden panels pressing into my every side. As if being stashed away in a casket wasn't claustrophobic enough! I made a pact with myself to lay off the McNuggets.
  • I heard a beep above me and tried to turn head to see. There was a flash and a timer turned on. "5 minutes left." A drew my knees up to my legs and kicked the panels. "PLEASE HELP"
  • Finally the glass panels began to crack. They cracked and the glass shards began to shower my whole entire body
  • blood begins to pour. flows down my legs and
  • Pools at my feet, like the nightmares in my wake. I used to think I needed that blood. That having it proved something to someone somewhere. Maybe me, someday. Now I see I was
  • full of it, then. Full of blood. Now, not so much. I sat down slowly in the crimson lake that had formed on the floor. The color seeped up the fabric of my pants and I thought
  • "this will be difficult to explain" but by some grand confluence, I had just the right feather, the right salts, and my trusty Zippo, and we both jumped tracks for a do-over.


  1. BlastedHeath Aug 06 2018 @ 20:49

    Oops! I thought there was a second person in the scene.

  2. BlastedHeath Aug 06 2018 @ 20:55

    Interesting that the random ID for the story is "gata7" .

  3. LordVacuity Aug 06 2018 @ 23:10

    I assumed your "trusty Zippo" was the other one, like Tintin and Snowy.

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