
  • Thoughts
  • . images. Spark the optic nerve. Transmitting signals to the frontal lobe. Firing a tsunami of neurons. Accessing pattern recognition and memory. Did I see this Friends rerun?
  • Yes, Yes i did, it was the one when Ross said Rachel at the wedding
  • of Monica and Chandler, which results in Rachel becoming pregnant. While Rachel is pregnant, Joey develops feelings for her and Ross has to
  • climb into another dimension just to turn the channel. Some Friends! Ross sat up all that night trying to decide whether or not he should turn the TV off completely, which would
  • prevent his brain cells from deteriorating any further. Ross decided to turn it off when he saw an episode of Uncle Grandpa from another dimension was about to come on screen.
  • Skeletor was calling him at his home number. Blimey! Ross didn't answer. A skeleton couple lived next door and were interviewed by his cat, who made a good psychotherapist. Buttet
  • and Ringhoin met her downstairs in Ross’s 3rd dungeons & dragons hosting. Gypsy vigor was called for and answered. It’s the leeches on the morn but just now I’ll not cheat myself.
  • "Or will I"
  • Said the Transylvanian witchdoctor, with a strut. Pouring a blend of herbs into a bowl, he spoke the arcane incantation. "Well, lets see how you like a eternity with CHILLI RAIN!"


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