"Frobonate your tuckets, my snockeled Jabadoons,

  • "Frobonate your tuckets, my snockeled Jabadoons, its time to let your plungynogs dungle and leave your gingloid snuffus in the loognardy." I didn't see any tuckets I'd frobonate
  • , but I did spy a harbucken i could snakroan. as i slvoia'd over to the snakroan, i heard the axiaor of a k'rayanom. It charged over the hill and roared at me. I pulled out my rakv
  • Lorristoring my rakv, I shoopitered the k'rayanom. The k'rayanom replioteored into a exlpotereoserious. Then Danny Jones came and saiojderised " What evernospte
  • - damn it my universal translator was jammed again. It order Scotty to send it in for repairs. But it was Bones who took the thing. "Damn it, Jim. You can't just try to use these t
  • hings without any previous knowledge of how to use them!" "Why don't you just wing it?" "Dammit, Jim - I'm a doctor not a universal translator!" Bones' buttons were pushed
  • And thus, when Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy called their next patient, Curious George and his mum, a luxuriously brown rhezus, walked in the room. Dr. Bones knew George and spoke
  • quite highly of his comportment to the Simian Syndicate. Dr. Bones was advised to keep George's curiosity in check by administering a psychotropic rhesus monkey into his cage.
  • George just laughed at the electrodes protruding from the psychotropic rhesus monkey's little furry head. "You have ossicones, like a giraffe!" chortled George in monkey-ese.
  • The rhesus monkey was pissed but confused: How in hell did George know the monkey-ese word for ossicones? Never mind, I must free myself from this half-assed science project!
  • I left everything as it was. The heck with it! I went into the kitchen and baked chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese icing & sprinkles. Suddenly, everything was OK again.


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