Potato wondered why the pool looked so bubbly

  • Potato wondered why the pool looked so bubbly and odd today. He shrugged and jumped in anyway, ready for a relaxing swim. He didn't expect the sensation of his insides being fried
  • and a human to gaze down at him in disgust. The burning sensation stopped. There were other things in the pool with him, round, soft yellow things. Potato couldn't understand why
  • he found this so amusing, but he started giggling uncontrollably. There must have been hundreds of them, and even though they were moving in on him, he felt no fear - only a vague
  • anticipation. After all, due to nearsightedness he didn't yet know what the hundreds were, and he lived in Optometopia, paradise of the opthamologically challenged.
  • "Perhaps they are hundreds of ice-cream cones," he mused from the assumed safety of his myopia, but he was wrong. Dead wrong. By the time he realized what they were, they had
  • Gumby and Pokey, the 2 friends jumped out of the truck and were beating up Bob.
  • Bob decided he had enough after they punched him in the gut. He took out his bubble gun and waved it around threateningly. He got them to back off enough so he could run away.
  • "Catch that man!" one bellowed. Bob chanced a look over his shoulder and saw a crowd of people surge after him. "I'll shoot!" screeched Bob, frantically pulling the bubble trigger.
  • And so he did, and hit every last attacker, one by one. The barren wasteland stood still asides from Bob. He looked onto the horizon, golden with sunlight, and sighed with regret.
  • The last six pack of beer on the planet had been in that cooler that fat biker blew up with the shot gun. What good was this beautiful sunset without a cold one in my hand?


  1. Woab Jun 06 2018 @ 15:17

    The Adventures of Bob, the Trigger-Happy Potato.

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