Dr. Chillbot thought about brushing his teeth.

  • Dr. Chillbot thought about brushing his teeth. The thought exhausted him. Instead he swished beer around in his mouth. Would he go into work today?
  • Or would he spend the rest of the day searching for that elusive toothbrush?
  • It was favorite, with ivory inlay and camel hair bristles. Where was his toothbrush? He had put it next to the drinking cup. Then he noticed the cup had lip-stick marks on it.
  • Lipstick marks...where is she hiding? And why would she take his personal items? His mind raced at a frantic pace to try to uncover the subtle clues left by her
  • spindly claws on the sheepskin rug, but all he found were blank spaces. Hadn't he left his X box an inch to the right? Why wasn't his mint green shirt on its hanger? Where
  • was Barbie? Did anyone else feel like they were just some doll whose furniture was being arranged by a feng shui-ignorant child giant?.. Ken wondered why he was flying downstairs
  • wearing pink plastic stilletos when he was so clearly heterosexual. Ken was tired of being manipulatd by both Barbie and the fat little girl. He envied GI Joe's freedom to
  • roam the great outdoors in the company of other fit men, even if G.I. Joe's work could get dangerous. But Ken was no stranger to being chewed, buried, tossed in the pool, or even
  • placed in humiliating submissive positions with various stuffed animals and discarded Happy Meal toys. Through all the brutality and suffering, his finest moment awaited.
  • While trussed up, he managed to assemble a Happy Meal toy without eating part B by accident. Finest moments don't generally come finer than that. Well done, Sir!


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