Red wine,red roses,red lipstick and a fresh

  • Red wine,red roses,red lipstick and a fresh layer of red paint in the bedroom walls.
  • Snow White lay naked in the red room on the red sheets & scattered the red rose petals over her body. She was waiting for the 7 dwarves. She pursed her red lips, impatient for
  • the men to return home from work. That's all they did nowadays, just mine away at rocks for jewels that were never there. Those damn dwarves just need to get back home soon. Bored,
  • Snow White txtd Prince Charming. So in walk the dwarves & SW is as bare as an egg & PC is climbing out the window & Grumpy grabs one of his legs & Sneezy the other & PC yells "No,
  • that sort of thing is in Rapumzel!" But the dwarf sneers at Sneezy and says, "Your friends hate you." Then Snow White rolls her eyes because she's pregnant, now that a real problem
  • even more of a problem than misspelling Rapunzel's name, but that's besides the point. The girls cried. Snow White obviously cried. The miscarriage surprised everyone.
  • Snow White ended up at Cinderalla's Ball and Rapunzel ended up in a carriage from the Foster Stage Company headed through outlaw country in the wild west. The Masked Bandit
  • Spotted them, as did the big, bad, wolf. "Better to eat you with!', he said. The masked bandit was busy robbing banks and had accumulated a lot of loot. Little Red Riding Hood was
  • Veteran of the hood life and keeping it real. She knew how to handle the wolves and if she couldn't she had The Woodsman to butter her skones.
  • Little Red Riding Hood was no longer so little, she was big, fierce and was able to fend for herself. She was no longer afraid of the bullies in the playground, not with her story.


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