Zelda zipped Zoloft at zany zebras zig-zagging

  • Zelda zipped Zoloft at zany zebras zig-zagging zealous zealots zonked for zero. "Yes!"
  • Yolanda's yellow-bellied yoyoingYetis yodeled Yankee-doodle yearningly. Xenophobic Xerxes xed Xavier's xylophoning Xanthippe. Warwick's waxen Wandindi
  • vaulted very voluminously under ugly underwear. Tim tirelessly told her to tilt toward the tip. She snickered so snidely, soon
  • ravished rudely rambuncious. She questioned Tim quietly. "Preformed proudly? Paramour?" Oddly he opined openly. "Not now... nevermind."
  • "Nay? But it is night now," she said. Tim tittered, "Mayhap we will meld, my dear. Like Leda you are, fresh as a lily and covered in kelp." "Surely you jest," she inquired
  • As she took some for her thyroid. She was afraid of the Fukushima radiation, some five years after the accident happened. It was in a jar and it was organic. Tim responded by
  • taking a bite out of the ginger she was considering adding, then spat it out in disgust. "What WAS that?" "Ginger." "That was no ginger." "What would you know about ginger? "Ooh, I
  • have a piece bitten out of my bottom!" yelled the ginger as he danced across the kitchen counter in pain, his face as orange as his hair. The cookie batter was now spattered in blo
  • od. He repeated. "I have a piece bitten out of my bottom! Ouchie!" A birthday cake on the other side of the kitchen counter frowned. "Do you really think we care, Mr. President?"
  • "Oh yes, you care to the tune of "If you need a friend". I will hold his hand in this struggle. I kicked fer feet out from below her. I was graceful but the barrel was hotter.


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